Venture Solutions can assist companies or individuals around the world requiring funding for, acquisition merger,  joint-ventures, development loan, Expansion, better business, debt consolidation, Construction, real estate investment, small business loan

Business plan services for commercial real estate

A full-length business plan is the best way to approach raising capital for your project. That said, we are aware of many projects that have been funded with a simple executive summary. But for complex projects we recommend an easy to understand explanation of engineering, land acquisition, infrastructure, permitting, improvements, roads water and sewer, and finally vertical construction. We can work with you to prepare a business plan that is customized for your company's specific needs.

Getting the most from the business planning

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This process requires a commitment from everyone involved. Therefore, Our services are based on a partnership with our clients that combine your business vision and experience with our business plan expertise and insight to produce a truly outstanding and effective document.

Our professional business planning team

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We can assist your company, regardless of the stage of your company or the amount of capital you may be seeking. Our services are built around a solid foundation of business plan consulting, organization, preparation and writing expertise gained in the trenches. Our experience, perspective and focus have helped us build a reputation as today's leading-edge business plan consultancy.

Samples of Commercial Real Estate Business Plans

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Confidential information has been removed from these business plans. Venture Solutions works directly with clients on commercial projects that apply through our web site and by referral.

  1. Romack Land Holdings & Construction
  2. Rum Cay Bahamas Land Holdings
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Lender Services

Raising Capital
Business Plans
Commercial Land
Feasibility Studies
Strategic Plans

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Business Financing

Bridge Loans

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Personal Financing

Home Mortgages
Bad credit

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